International Rotations

Pediatric Global Health Opportunities

During the second or third year of Pediatric Residency at UCSF Fresno, qualified residents have the opportunity of going abroad for a month-long rotation at various locations, such as Mexico, Cambodia, Bolivia, Zimbabwe, United Kindgom, Taiwan, & The Phillipines. Pediatric residents who take advantage of these unique international experiences will be challenged to learn about new diseases, cultures, and the practice of alternative medicine, while enjoying the experience of residing in a foreign land. Many opportunities allow for enhancement of physical exam skills in resource-limited settings. UCSF Fresno Resident Council offers grants to help off-set the costs associated with international rotations. Click here to apply for this grant. Residents receive their normal salary when on away rotations.

In just the past few years, our residents’ global health experiences included venturing to the locations highlighted on the following map:

world map


Global Health Curriculum

For residents interested in Global Health issues, the UCSF Fresno Global Health Curriculum was established in 2008 to introduce medical professionals to various topics and issues in international health. Meetings are generally monthly, with speakers and audience from all of the UCSF Fresno departments, with some highlighting the experiences of a faculty member or resident who has recently returned from an international health trip.