A citizen’s group led by prominent attorney Milo E. Rowell supported medical education in the San Joaquin Valley and founded the San Joaquin Valley Health Consortium.
Family and Community Medicine Residency Program started.

The California Area Health Education (AHEC) Program was established.
Emergency Medicine Residency Program started.
Funding and the site for what would become UCSF Fresno was secured.
David Werdegar, MD, was appointed associate dean (1975-1981).
UCSF Fresno, in partnership with the National Park Service, established the Parkmedic Program.
Groundbreaking for UCSF Fresno at the Veteran's Affairs Medical Center.
A group of physicians employed by Fresno County formed Central California Faculty Medical Group (now Inspire Health Medical Group).
UCSF Fresno affiliated with partners Selma Community Health Center, Fresno Community Hospital and Medical Center, Sierra Hospital, Saint Agnes Medical Center, Valley Children's Hospital, Hanford Community Hospital, Sacred Heart Hospital, Kaweah Delta District Hospital and Kings View Center.

Howard Corbus, MD, was appointed associate dean (1981-1989).
UCSF Fresno opened offices at Fresno VA.
Gene Kallsen, MD, Emergency Medicine faculty, became Fresno County's first Emergency Medical Services (EMS) director.
UCSF Fresno established the Summer Biomedical Internship Program for high school students.
The UCSF Fresno Alzheimer & Memory Center opened.
David F. Altman, MD, was appointed associate dean (1989-1992).
H. John Blossom, MD, was appointed associate dean (1992-1999).
Bruce Bronzan was named associate dean for Administration and Development (1993-1997).
UCSF Fresno affiliated with Community Medical Centers to prepare for the transfer of training programs to Community Regional Medical Center.
The Model Fresno program was established as one of the first longitudinal integrated programs for medical students in the San Joaquin Valley.
The UCSF Fresno Latino Center for Medical Education and Research partnered with the Fresno County Office of Education and Fresno Unified to establish the Sunnyside High School Doctors Academy.
Deborah C. Stewart, MD, was appointed associate dean (1999-2002).
The Junior Doctors Academy was established.
The UC Board of Regents approved a $26 million center for UCSF Fresno in downtown Fresno. Rep. Jim Costa was instrumental in securing the funding.
UCSF Fresno Pharmacy Education Program started.
Construction began on the UCSF Fresno Center for Medical Education and Research.
Joan L. Voris, MD, was appointed associate dean (2002-2015).
Michael W. Peterson, MD, was named the first Valley Medical Center Foundation Chair in Medicine.
Dr. Michael W. Peterson became the first faculty member at UCSF Fresno to be inducted into the Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators at UCSF.
The Sunnyside High School Doctors Academy celebrated its first graduating class.
UCSF Fresno Center for Medical Education and Research opened, consolidating faculty and staff under one roof for the first time. The Surgeon General of the United States Richard Carmona, MD, attended the grand opening.
Internal Medicine fellowships in Cardiology and Pulmonary Medicine were introduced.
Doctors Academy programs began at Caruthers and Selma high schools.
UCSF Fresno moved training programs from University Medical Center to Community Regional Medical Center.
UCSF Fresno hosted the National Library of Medicine's "Changing the Face of Medicine" traveling exhibition which featured two Fresno faculty members, Katherine A. Flores, MD, and Adriana R. Padilla, MD.
New fellowships in Infectious Diseases and Wilderness Medicine were launched.
Steven N. Parks, MD, longtime Chief of Surgery and Program Director of the Surgery Residency, was recognized with an endowed chair in his name.
Gastroenterology fellowship began.
The Longitudinal Integrated Fresno Experience (LIFE) medical student education program began.
Fellowships in Acute-Care Surgery, Psychosomatic Medicine, and a residency in Orthopaedic Surgery were established.
The Division of Dermatology was added to the Internal Medicine Department.
UCSF Fresno moved outpatient training to Deran Koligian Ambulatory Care Center.
UCSF mourned the loss of Dr. Steven N. Parks, longtime Chief of Surgery and endowed chair namesake.
UC San Joaquin Valley Program in Medical Education (SJV PRIME) was established as a partnership among UC Merced, UC Davis School of Medicine, UCSF School of Medicine and UCSF Fresno.
The first cohort of SJV PRIME students began at UC Davis.
James W. Davis, MD, was appointed the Steven N. Parks Endowed Chair in Surgery.
The UCSF Fresno Clinical Research Center opened.
New fellowships in Maternal Child Health and Emergency Medical Education were established.
The first cohort of SJV PRIME students began clinical training at UCSF Fresno.
Fellowships in Sleep Medicine and Community Pediatrics began.
UCSF Fresno hosted the first Reaching Out to Aspiring Doctors (ROAD) premedical conference.
Dr. Joan L. Voris retired.
Dr. Michael W. Peterson, Chief of Medicine, was appointed Interim Associate Dean.
The first cohort of SJV PRIME students participated in Match Day.
The Clinical Skills Lab (now the Clinical Skills and Simulation Center) opened at UCSF Fresno.
Dr. Michael W. Peterson was appointed Associate Dean.
Ivan Albert Gomez, MD, was named director of statewide California AHEC.
The UCSF Fresno Cystic Fibrosis Center opened.
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) program launched at Community Regional Medical Center.
The Liaison Committee on Medical Education approved UCSF Fresno as a regional campus of the UCSF School of Medicine and UCSF became the degree-granting institution for SJV PRIME.
UCSF Fresno Mobile Health and Learning (Mobile HeaL) was established.
The first cohort of UCSF SJV PRIME students began their medical training.
UCSF Fresno established the COVID-19 Equity Project in partnership with the City of Fresno, community-based organizations and funding from the federal CARES Act.
The UCSF Fresno Sickle Cell Clinic opened.
Dr. Michael Peterson was appointed to the Y. Frank and Roxie Moradian Chair in Medicine.
The first students in the UCSF SJV PRIME began their clinical training at UCSF Fresno.
UCSF Fresno Neurology/Epilepsy clinic opened with Joseph Sanford, MD, as medical director.
Lori Weichenthal, MD, was named Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education and Clinical Affairs.
UCSF Fresno established the Office of Health Career Pathways.
UCSF Fresno partnered with California Medicine Scholars Program and others to establish the first community college pathway to medical school in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV-MedBridge).
UCSF Fresno mourned the loss of Drs. Lori Weichenthal and Gene Kallsen.
The first cohort of SJV PRIME students graduated with UCSF medical degrees.
First cohort admitted to SJV PRIME+, the eight-year Baccalaureate-to-MD pathway in partnership with UC Merced, UCSF School of Medicine and UCSF Fresno.
Lawrence Sue, MD, was named Chief of the Division of Trauma within the Department of Surgery and was appointed to the James W. and Amy Davis Endowed Chair in Trauma.
Vipul Jain, MD, was appointed to the VMC Foundation Chair in Medicine.
Danielle Campagne, MD, was appointed to the Gene W. Kallsen, MD, Endowed Chair in Emergency Medicine.
Loren Alving, MD, was appointed to the Mr. and Mrs. David George Rowe and Stephen W. Rowe Endowed Chair for Teaching in Neurology.
UCSF Fresno Mobile HeaL partnered with County and City of Fresno to provide health care to rural and unsheltered communities, respectively.
Second cohort of UCSF SJV PRIME students graduated.
Second cohort of SJV PRIME+ admitted to BS-to-MD program.
UCSF Fresno Mobile HeaL collaborated with Upstream USA to provide patient-centered contraceptive care to underserved communities in Fresno County.
UCSF Fresno Alzheimer & Memory Center celebrated its 35th anniversary.
Renovations began to the UCSF Fresno Clinical Skills Lab and Simulation Center.
The UCSF Fresno Emergency Medicine Department and Residency Program celebrated its 50th anniversary.
Stacy Sawtelle Vohra, MD, was named Assistant Dean for Graduate Medical Education and Designated Institutional Official.
UCSF Fresno celebrates its 50th anniversary.