We believe in a holistic view of wellbeing and center our programming on the following seven pillars of wellness: emotional, physical, social, financial, career, environmental, and spiritual.
Emotional Wellness
Emotional Wellness is how to manage stress, be resilient, and understand and regulate emotions.
For Emergencies:
- Central Valley Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1 (888) 506-5991
- SAMHSA’s National Helpline: 1 (800) 662-4357
- Crisis TextLine: Text HOME to 741741
For All UCSF Fresno Employees:
Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP)
Confidential employee assistance services provided at no cost to faculty, staff, residents, postdocs, and clinical fellows.
Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) External Resources
A collection of external resources on topics such as: addiction, chronic pain/illness, depression, divorce, eating disorders, etc.
Resources to Support Your Mental Health During COVID-19 and Climate Change
A collection of resources developed and compiled by our UCSF Department of Psychiatry.
Resilience and Emotional Well-Being Video Series
Short video clips focused on ways we can protect and enhance our own emotional well-being shared by mental health experts at UCSF and around the world!
UCSF Cope Program
The UCSF Cope Program provides mental health and well-being support for all UCSF faculty, staff, trainees, and your family members.
Useful Wellness & Mental Health Apps
Wellness and mental health apps you can download and start using to boost your emotional wellbeing today.
Well-Being Index for Faculty and Learners
This online, validated self-screening tool is available for faculty and learners. This will help you better understand your overall well-being and areas of risk compared to other faculty and learners around the country. The tool is anonymous, and your scores are not shared with anyone at UCSF.
For Residents and Fellows:
Wellness and Mental Health Services
Free mental health services at UCSF Fresno provided by a psychologist attuned to the needs of medical learners. To seek assistance 24/7 call (559) 499-6551.
Ginger-App-Based Coaching, Therapy and Psychiatry
Free, confidential on-demand coaching 24/7 via texting and 15 virtual therapy sessions per academic year. No one at UC will have knowledge you accessed this service.
Well-Being Algorithm for Trainees
Residents and Fellows: Need help, but are unsure where to start? View this collection of resources that makes it easy to navigate.
For urgent 24/7 mental health support, residents and fellows may call (855) 221-0598. This will link you to FSAP services.
For Medical Students:
Wellness and Mental Health Services
Free mental health services at UCSF Fresno provided by a psychologist attuned to the needs of medical learners. To seek assistance 24/7 call (559) 499-6551.
UCSF Health and Counseling Services
A variety of mental health services for UCSF medical students. For counseling in the evenings and weekends, please call 415-476-1281.
UCSF Student Academic Affairs: Wellness Resources
A collection of wellbeing resources for medical students ranging from mindfulness activities to toolkits for managing stress and anxiety.
For Faculty:
Telus Health Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Inspire Health’s EAP for faculty offers confidential support for mental, financial, physical, and emotional well-being. Available 24/7, year-round.
Physical Wellness
Social Wellness
Financial Wellness
Career Wellness
Environmental Wellness
Intellectual Wellness
Spiritual Wellness
Spiritual Wellness is how to find meaning and purpose in life and explore what is larger than oneself.
Mid-Day Mindfulness
Weekdays, 12:00PM – 12:15PM
A moment to breathe, reflect, and ground ourselves. No meditation experience necessary.
Offered by UCSF Department of Spiritual Care Services.