
2019 Commencement Ceremony

Graduating UCSF Fresno physicians to care for patients and teach future doctors

June 17, 2019
More than 100 medical residents and fellows, along with three oral and maxillofacial surgery dental residents and five physician assistants completed training at UCSF Fresno this year. Many are staying in the Central Valley to care for patients, teach future physicians or continue their medical...

Graduating UCSF Fresno physicians to care for patients and teach future doctors

By Brandy Ramos Nikaido, UCSF Fresno Communications, [email protected] on June 12, 2019
Many staying in the region to provide primary care
Endoscopic equipment

UCSF Fresno and VA Partnership Makes Life-Saving Care Available Locally for Veterans

By Barbara Anderson, UCSF Fresno Communications, [email protected] on May 20, 2019
At the VA Central California Health Care System, new endoscopic equipment and the skills of Shreyas Saligram, MD, MRCP, director of advanced endoscopy at UCSF Fresno, are making minimally invasive procedures available to veterans that were unthinkable only a few years ago.

UCSF Fresno Doctors Academy Programs Celebrate Graduating Students

By Brandy Ramos Nikaido, UCSF Fresno Communications, [email protected] on May 09, 2019
All graduating high school students will attend colleges or universities in fall 2019

UCSF Fresno Kicks Off May with Three Continuing Medical Education Events

By Brandy Ramos Nikaido, UCSF Fresno Communications, [email protected] on April 30, 2019
Media: Wilderness Medicine, Cardiology, and Autism experts available for interviews by calling (559) 313-6539.
Photo of child

2019 Autism Symposium for Primary Care Providers

April 26, 2019
2019 Autism Symposium for Primary Care Providers

UCSF Fresno Celebrates New Residents, Including Three SJV PRIME Students

By Brandy Ramos Nikaido, UCSF Fresno Communications, [email protected] on April 08, 2019
On March 15, graduating San Joaquin Valley Program in Medical Education (SJV PRIME) medical students and medical students across the nation, simultaneously opened envelopes that revealed where they will spend the next several years conducting the postgraduate training necessary to practice medicine...
Heart image

2019 UCSF Fresno Cardiology in the Valley

April 03, 2019
The UCSF Fresno Department of Internal Medicine will present the 14th Annual Cardiology in the Valley Symposium on Saturday, May 4 from 7 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the UCSF Fresno Center for Medical Education and Research, located at 155 N. Fresno St.

UCSF Fresno Informs Health Care Professionals and Public About Health Impacts of Air Pollution and Climate Change

By Brandy Ramos Nikaido, UCSF Fresno Communications, [email protected] on April 02, 2019
Media: Experts will be available for interviews the day of the event (April 6) in between 10 a.m. and 10:20 a.m. or in advance by calling (559) 313-6539.
Doctor and patient

UCSF Fresno Surgeons Perform Thyroid Surgery with No Tell-Tale Scar

By Barbara Anderson, UCSF Fresno Communications, [email protected] on April 01, 2019
Rita Locke of Coalinga had taken thyroid medication for eight years but this past winter a nodule had grown so large that at night she had to change sleeping positions to swallow.

UCSF Fresno Celebrates Match Day for Medical Students and Residents

March 19, 2019
On March 15, medical school graduates in Fresno and across the nation will simultaneously open envelopes that reveal where they will spend the next several years conducting the postgraduate training necessary to practice medicine in the United States. The event is called Match Day and occurs every...

UCSF Fresno Celebrates Match Day for Medical Students and Residents

By Brandy Ramos Nikaido, UCSF Fresno Communications, [email protected] on March 13, 2019
FRESNO – On March 15, medical school graduates in Fresno and across the nation will simultaneously open envelopes that reveal where they will spend the next several years conducting the postgraduate training necessary to practice medicine in the United States. The event is called Match Day and...

UCSF Fresno Brings National Expert to Fresno to Promote Physician Wellness, Invites Local Health Care Providers to Participate

By Brandy Ramos Nikaido, UCSF Fresno Communications, [email protected] on March 12, 2019
Media Note: Dike Drummond, MD, CEO of, will be available for interviews from 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. on March 20 at UCSF Fresno to discuss the importance of physician wellness and preventing burnout both of which effect patient outcomes.

UCSF Fresno Brings National Expert to Fresno to Promote Physician Wellness, Invites Local Health Care Providers to Participate

By Brandy Ramos Nikaido, UCSF Fresno Communications, [email protected] on March 12, 2019
More than three-quarters (78%) of physicians reported feeling burned out, according to The Physicians Foundation’s 2018 Survey of America’s Physicians. Physician burnout is defined as long-term job stress that doesn’t go away and results in feeling overwhelmed and worn out. The physician suicide...

UCSF School of Medicine Ranks in U.S. News Best Graduate Schools’ Top Five for Ten Years Running

By Laura Kurtzman on March 11, 2019
For the 10th consecutive year, UC San Francisco’s School of Medicine placed in the top five nationally in the U.S. News & World Report survey of best graduate and professional schools.

UP CLOSE: UCSF Fresno offers new testing and education for better diabetes management

By Barbara Anderson, UCSF Fresno Communications, [email protected] on March 06, 2019
UCSF Fresno offers new testing and education for better diabetes management

Experts Gather in Fresno to Share Latest Diagnosis and Treatment Info on Dementia, Parkinson’s, Cancer Immunotherapy and Many Other Conditions

By Brandy Ramos Nikaido, UCSF Fresno Communications, [email protected] on March 04, 2019
MEDIA NOTE: Media are invited to interview experts on geriatrics on March 8 from 10:25 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. and during lunch from 12:15 p.m. to 1 p.m. On March 9, internal medicine experts will be available from 10:25 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. or in advance by calling (559) 313-6539.

UCSF Fresno Receives $3.375 Million to Support Medical Resident Education

By Brandy Ramos Nikaido, UCSF Fresno Communications, [email protected] on February 21, 2019
FRESNO – UCSF Fresno was one of several medical education programs in the San Joaquin Valley that recently received funding to support medical resident education in the region. Physicians for a Healthy California (PHC) awarded more than $12 million to programs in the Valley, one of the areas in the...

Focus on UCSF Fresno: February 2019

By Barbara Anderson & Brandy Ramos Nikaido, UCSF Fresno Communications on February 12, 2019
      By Barbara Anderson

UCSF Fresno Receives More Than $1 Million for Medical Education and Research

By Brandy Ramos Nikaido, UCSF Fresno Communications, [email protected] on February 11, 2019
FRESNO – UCSF Fresno recently received contributions of more than $1 million from two development companies and families known for giving back to the local community. The donations will enable UCSF Fresno to further develop its physician training and research programs. 

UCSF Fresno Educates Women on Heart Health with Free Event

By Brandy Ramos Nikaido, UCSF Fresno Communications, [email protected] on February 04, 2019
Media Note: Faculty experts will be available for interviews during the event (March 2) from 12:30 p.m. to 12:50 p.m. or in advance. For interviews, please call (559) 313-6539.

UCSF Fresno Shares Latest Diabetes and Endocrine Information

By Brandy Ramos Nikaido, UCSF Fresno Communications, [email protected] on January 28, 2019
MEDIA NOTE: Registration has closed for this event. Media are invited to interview experts for diabetes and endocrinology stories in advance or from 9:50 a.m. to 10:20 a.m. the day of the symposium (Feb. 2). Please call (559) 313-6539.

UP CLOSE: UCSF Fresno’s Gene W. Kallsen, MD, an EM trailblazer says goodbye

By Barbara Anderson, UCSF Fresno Communications, [email protected] on January 23, 2019
  Gene W. Kallsen, MD, (left) and Jim Comes, MD, (right) at Dr. Kallsen’s retirement party.    

UP CLOSE: Looking Back on 2018

November 28, 2018
                    As 2018 winds down, now is an ideal time to look back. UCSF Fresno achieved many milestones aimed at improving health in the San Joaquin Valley, including expanding medical education and access to health care. Here are some of our shining moments.

UP CLOSE: Faculty at UCSF Fresno Demonstrate Innovation and Excellence in Medical Education

September 13, 2018
L to R: Drs. Yang, Alving, Elhassan, Stender, Pugoy, and Peterson                
