As 2023 comes to an end, we want to take a moment to reflect on and share some of what has been accomplished this year. We thank all members of our campus community and our partners who enable us to achieve new milestones and contribute to improving health in Central California and the San Joaquin Valley. Here is a look back at some of our shining moments and events that defined UCSF Fresno in 2023.
UCSF Fresno welcomes new SJV PRIME students
Students in the SJV PRIME Class of 2025 started training at UCSF Fresno. They represent the fourth cohort of students in the UCSF SJV PRIME.

Mobile HeaL launches Rural Mobile Health program
With support from and in partnership with the Fresno County Department of Public Health, UCSF Fresno Mobile HeaL launched mobile medical services for agricultural workers and rural communities in Fresno County.
Campus trainee lounges receive a makeover
Trainee lounges at UCSF Fresno were redesigned to bring residents and medical students together and to create places for trainees and learners to decompress and recharge in one of two spaces – a relaxation room or an active lounge.
UCSF Fresno celebrates another successful Match Day
UCSF Fresno celebrated SJV PRIME students and all incoming residents on Match Day. UCSF Fresno filled all available positions and three of the first six graduates in the UCSF SJV PRIME matched at UCSF Fresno for residency.

Staff of elected officials get a crash course on UCSF Fresno
UCSF Fresno held the first UCSF Fresno 101, a day for staff of San Joaquin Valley elected leaders to take a crash course on UCSF Fresno.
Mobile HeaL offers clinics for the Unsheltered Community
With support from and in partnership with the City of Fresno, UCSF Fresno Mobile HeaL launched mobile medical services for Fresno’s unsheltered community.
SJV MedBridge begins accepting applications
UCSF Fresno’s SJV MedBridge, the first community college pathway to medical school in partnership with California Medicine Scholars, began accepting applications. The first students were admitted in spring 2023 and an orientation was held.
UCSF Fresno introduces first SJV PRIME Day
UCSF Fresno held the first SJV PRIME Day, a day that brought all four classes of students in the UCSF SJV PRIME together for networking with one another, faculty, staff and friends of UCSF Fresno.

UCSF Fresno celebrates graduates at Commencement
UCSF Fresno celebrated the Class of 2023 including more than 100 graduates with a commencement ceremony at a new location in the auditorium in Fresno City College’s Old Administration Building.
UCSF Fresno welcomes new residents
UCSF Fresno welcomed new residents during Orientation Week which included an Intern Clinical Skills Boot Camp.
Clinical Research Center introduces new staff and capabilities
The UCSF Fresno Clinical Research Center, which opened in 2013, has grown significantly to oversee more multi-disciplinary clinical trials and studies. An open house was held to highlight the CRC’s new staff and capabilities. At last count, there were 73 active clinical trials, 41 public service projects and 38 open studies.

SJV PRIME Class of 2027 starts at UCSF
UCSF SJV PRIME admitted its fifth cohort of students this year. Students in the Class of 2027 started classes in San Francisco.
SJV PRIME+ Pathway kicks off.
SJV PRIME+, the Baccalaureate-to-MD pathway in partnership with UC Merced, admitted its first cohort of students.
New Chief of Medicine announced
Vipul Jain, MD, was announced as Chief of Internal Medicine at UCSF Fresno.

New Chief of Emergency Medicine named
Danielle Campagne, MD, was announced as Chief of Emergency Medicine at UCSF Fresno.
California Surgeon General visits UCSF Fresno
The Fresno County Health Improvement Partnership convened a conversation with California’s Surgeon General Diana E. Ramos, MD, at UCSF Fresno.
New Endowed Chair honored
Family, friends and colleagues gathered at UCSF Fresno to celebrate the establishment of the James W. and Amy Davis Endowed Chair in Trauma honoring Lawrence Sue, MD, FACS. UCSF School of Medicine Dean Talmadge King presented the endowed chair plaque.
School of Medicine Dean holds Town Hall at UCSF Fresno
School of Medicine Dean Talmadge King held a town hall at UCSF Fresno where several updates were presented along with announcement of the establishment of the Katherine A. Flores, MD, Health Pathway Champion Award.
Lt. Governor visits UCSF Fresno
California Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis met with public health leaders and SJV PRIME students at UCSF Fresno to discuss health equity, access to care and reproductive health among other topics.
Faculty members honored with Lifetime Achievement Awards
Two faculty members at UCSF Fresno William Dominic, MD, with the Department of Surgery, and Katherine A. Flores, MD, with the UCSF Fresno Latino Center for Medical Education and Research and founder of the UCSF Fresno Doctors Academy, received Lifetime Achievement Awards at the Fresno Madera Medical Society Installation & Gala.
Mobile HeaL celebrates a big year as it readies for another.
In 2023, UCSF Fresno Mobile HeaL acquired two new grants enabling us to continue providing COVID-19 care as well as health screenings for rural communities, unsheltered communities, immunizations for kids, and mobile medical services for uninsured and underinsured. This year alone, Mobile HeaL cared for nearly 5,000 patients across 285+ mobile clinics in Fresno County.
In Memory Of
Sadly, in 2023, UCSF Fresno lost key faculty members and campus leaders including Lori A. Weichenthal, MD, FACEP, and Gene W. Kallsen, MD. Together, they provided 74 years of combined service to UCSF Fresno. Drs. Weichenthal and Kallsen will always be remembered and in our hearts.

To support UCSF Fresno, please contact Kathleen Smith, Associate Director of Development,
(559) 499-6426 or [email protected]
UCSF Fresno wishes you a happy, healthy 2024!