Kudos to Lourdes DelRosso, MD, and team Rijesh Niraula, DO; Amitoj Singh; Sanket Meghpara, MD; and Lynn Keenan, MD; on the publication of “Age matters: association between age and depression severity at the time of OSA diagnosis, and PAP adherence in adult patients,” in the Journal of Clinical Medicine.
Kudos to Angela Allison, who was promoted to Supervisor in the UCSF Fresno Office of Health Career Pathways effective Nov. 20, 2023. The OHCP was established to improve efficiencies among the important work of health pathway programs within UCSF Fresno. Angela will directly supervise the team that coordinates Pre-College Pathways within OHCP like the Doctors Academy, Junior Doctors Academy and other K-12 programming.

Congrats to UCSF Fresno’s Victoria Green, MD; Joanne Lin, DO; and Marina Roytman, MD, and colleagues at Community Regional Medical Center and Fresno Heart & Surgical Hospital Morgan McGrath, MAS; Aaron Lloyd, MPH; Pearl Ma, MD; and Kelvin Higa, MD, on the publication of “FIB-4 Reliability in Patients With Severe Obesity Lower Cutoffs Needed?” in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology.
Congratulations to Danielle Campagne, MD, FACEP, who was named Chief of Emergency Medicine at UCSF Fresno and Vice Chair of Emergency Medicine at the UCSF School of Medicine. Dr. Campagne adeptly served as Interim Chief of Emergency Medicine since August 2022. Her appointment as Chief was effective Oct. 16, 2023. Dr. Campagne, Professor in Clinical Emergency Medicine, is a Sanger Native. Prior to becoming Interim Chief, she served as Vice Chief of the UCSF Fresno Department of Emergency Medicine. She joined UCSF Fresno as a Health Sciences Clinical Instructor in Emergency Medicine in 2008. She became an Assistant Health Sciences Clinical Professor in 2010 and an Associate Professor in 2016. She was named Vice Chief in 2017. In addition, Dr. Campagne was the Program Director of the UCSF Fresno Department of Emergency Medicine Wilderness Medicine Fellowship from 2013-2015 and has served as medical director for both American Ambulance and the Department of Emergency Medicine’s Physician Assistant Residency Program since 2019 and 2018, respectively.