Why UCSF Fresno Interventional Cardiology?

Training with a diverse population and variety of pathology and care cardiovascular conditions

Message from the Program Director

Our one year Interventional Cardiology program is fully accredited by the ACGME
With a referral base of over 2 million individuals in Fresno and the Central California region, we have one of the most diverse populations in the country.  A wide variety of pathology is seen by the academic practice and rare cardiovascular conditions not seen in many of the major centers are encountered by the fellows on a routine basis.

While the wealth of clinical material is obviously one of its biggest assets, the program also boasts a solid group of full-time faculty, some nationally and internationally renowned experts in the field of cardiology, who are dedicated to teaching the fellows at the highest level.  We also have part-time faculty, including cardiovascular surgeons and community practitioners who add to the clinical experience for the trainees.


Mouatou MouanoutouaMouatou Mouanoutoua, MD

Associate Professor of Medicine, UCSF
Interventional Cardiologist, Community Regional Medical Center
Program Director, UCSF Fresno Interventional Cardiology Fellowship