Shruti Joglekar, MD

Clinical Instructor
General Medicine - Fresno
+1 559 499-6500

UCSF School of Medicine


Evaluating the role of single-photon emission computed tomography in the assessment of neurotologic complaints.

Ear, nose, & throat journal

Joglekar SS, Bell JR, Caroline M, Chase PJ, Domesek J, Patel PS, Sataloff RT

The predictors of postoperative laryngeal nerve paresis in patients undergoing thyroid surgery: a pilot study.

Journal of voice : official journal of the Voice Foundation

Caroline M, Joglekar SS, Mandel SM, Sataloff RT, Heman-Ackah YD

Delayed facial nerve palsy after endolymphatic sac surgery.

Ear, nose, & throat journal

Xu HX, Deroee AF, Joglekar S, Pollak N, Hobson F, Santori T, Paparella MM

The prevalence of undiagnosed thyroid disease in patients with symptomatic vocal fold paresis.

Journal of voice : official journal of the Voice Foundation

Heman-Ackah YD, Joglekar SS, Caroline M, Becker C, Kim EJ, Gupta R, Mandel SM, Sataloff RT

Cochlear otosclerosis adjacent to round window and oval window: a histopathological temporal bone study.

Otology & neurotology : official publication of the American Otological Society, American Neurotology Society [and] European Academy of Otology and Neurotology

Sato T, Morita N, Cureoglu S, Terao K, Joglekar SS, Deroee AF, Ishikawa K, Paparella MM

Cochlear pathology in human temporal bones with otitis media.

Acta oto-laryngologica

Joglekar S, Morita N, Cureoglu S, Schachern PA, Deroee AF, Tsuprun V, Paparella MM, Juhn SK

Potential cause of positional vertigo in Ménière's disease.

Otology & neurotology : official publication of the American Otological Society, American Neurotology Society [and] European Academy of Otology and Neurotology

Morita N, Cureoglu S, Nomiya S, Nomiya R, Joglekar SS, Harada T, Paparella MM

SP259 – Vocal fold paresis and thyroid disease.


Shruti S. Joglekar, Robert Sataloff, Yolanda Heman-Ackah Beausoleil, Reena Gupta

SP340 – Polyarteritis nodosa: a human temporal bone study.


Shruti S. Joglekar, Norimasa Morita, Armin Farajzadeh Deroee, Sebahattin Cureoglu, Patricia Schachern, Michael Paparella

Labyrinthitis ossificans.

Otology & neurotology : official publication of the American Otological Society, American Neurotology Society [and] European Academy of Otology and Neurotology

Xu HX, Joglekar SS, Paparella MM

Polyarteritis nodosa: a human temporal bone study.

American journal of otolaryngology

Joglekar S, Deroee AF, Morita N, Cureoglu S, Schachern PA, Paparella M

Malignant melanoma metastasis to temporal bone.

Otology & neurotology : official publication of the American Otological Society, American Neurotology Society [and] European Academy of Otology and Neurotology

Deroee AF, Joglekar S, Paparella MM

Cochlear otosclerosis with malleoincudal fixation.

Otology & neurotology : official publication of the American Otological Society, American Neurotology Society [and] European Academy of Otology and Neurotology

Joglekar S, Kelles M, Paparella MM

R444 – Deposits in Semicircular Canal in Meniere's Disease.


Norimasa Morita, Shruti Siddharth Joglekar, Sebahattin Cureoglu, Shin Kariya, Schachern Patricia, Tamotsu Harada, Michael M Paparella

S239 – Labyrinthine Changes in Otitis Media.


Shruti Siddharth Joglekar, Armin Farajzadeh Deroee, Norimasa Morita, Sebahattin Cureoglu, Schachern Patricia, Michael M Paparella, Steven K Juhn