Patti Bianchi, BS, MBA
Patti Bianchi has been the Academic Affairs Assistant in the UCSF Fresno Department of Psychiatry since September 2020. In this capacity, she assists faculty with all aspects of their academic appointments, merit reviews, and promotions. Patti also ensures that job postings for faculty positions are accurate, updated, and maintained, and that all applicants to those positions receive prompt attention. Patti is also the department’s point of contact with the Office of Diversity and Outreach. Finally, she takes on special projects for the department as time allows.
Before joining Psychiatry, Patti started as a temp with UCSF Fresno in 2018 and has worked in various departments, including Internal Medicine, GME, and Finance. She holds a Master of Business Administration and is a Board Certified Life Coach.
Outside of work, she enjoys sharing life with her husband – traveling to amazing places, hiking the beautiful outdoors, and reading great books.