Lilianna Yuen


Yuen, MD, MAS

Venice, CA

UC Berkeley

Medical School
UC San Diego

Hobbies, facts and interests
Hobbies and interests: Rock climbing, hiking, cooking, reading, writing, snowboarding, running, spending time with family and friends, going to the beach, watching sunsets

Fun fact: Dolphins are my favorite animal.

Why Fresno?
It’s almost equidistant between L.A. and the Bay Area; it’s close to Yosemite and the Sequoias for recreation and nature; the people are friendly; there is a great need for mental health providers and an underserved population; there is excellent support from the faculty and community; there are great supervisors including our psychologists; there is above average interest and time allocated for psychotherapy training; it is a racially, ethnically, and ideologically diverse area; and we could not have a better program director!