Leigh Ann O'Banion, MD

Associate Clinical Professor
+1 559 431-6226

Leigh Ann O'Banion, MD
Associate Clinical Professor, Surgery

Leigh Ann O’Banion, MD, is an Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Surgery, at the University of California San Francisco Fresno, UCSF Fresno Center for Medical Education and Research.

Dr. O’Banion received her undergraduate degree in Biologic Sciences from Louisiana State University and her medical degree from the Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans. She completed her general surgery residency at UCSF Fresno Medical Education Program, Fresno, California. Subsequently, she completed her Vascular Fellowship at UCSF. Dr. O’Banion is board certified by the American Board of Surgery in General and Vascular Surgery. She is also a Registered Physician in Vascular Interpretation (RPVI)

Dr. O’Banion has been a faculty member in the Department of Surgery since 2017. Dr. O’Banion’s clinical and didactic teaching involves educating, lecturing, mentoring, and supervising medical students and residents that rotate on the vascular surgery service. Trainees represent a wide range of educational levels, including medical students, general surgery residents, as well as critical care and interventional cardiology fellows. She is an associate editor for the Journal of Vascular Surgery: Cases Innovations and Techniques. She currently serves as chair of the Communications committee of the WVS, a member of the SVS Appropriateness Committee, the VESS Vascular Research Consortium Committee, as well as chair of the AVF Digital Media Committee, and is committed to the education and promotion of vascular surgery.

Her clinical research focuses on limb salvage and outcomes based research on vascular patients with major amputation. She has presented her research at the local/regional and nation level and published in multiple surgical journals. Her work on traumatic popliteal injuries was awarded the 2020 Western Vascular Society Founder’s Research Award. She was awarded the 2021 UCSF Fresno Faculty Research Award. She is the founder of CHAMPIONS, an outreach program aimed at providing comprehensive cardiovascular screening and education in vascular deserts.

A Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS) and Fellow of the Society of Vascular Surgery (FSVS), Dr. O’Banion is also a member of the Western Vascular Society, Vascular and Endovascular Surgical Society, the American Venous Forum and the Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery.


Using Vascular Deserts as a Guide for Limb Preservation Outreach Programs Successfully Targets Underserved Populations.

Annals of vascular surgery

DiLosa K, Humphries MD, Molina VM, Daniele T, Tiu MD, O'Banion LA

First do no harm (and do what's right).

Seminars in vascular surgery

Ann O'Banion L, Woo K

Impact of COVID-19 on patients undergoing scheduled procedures for chronic venous disease.


Moore E, Wohlauer MV, Dorosh J, Kabeil M, Malgor RD, O'Banion LA, Lopez-Pena G, Gillette R, Colborn K, Cuff RF, Lucero L, Ali A, Koleilat I, Batarseh P, Talathi S, Rivera A, Humphries MD, Ly K, Harroun N, Smith BK, Darelli-Anderson AM, Choudhry A, Hammond E, Costanza M, Khetarpaul V, Cosentino A, Watson J, Afifi R, Mouawad NJ, Tan TW, Sharafuddin M, Quevedo JP, Nkansah R, Shibale P, Shalhub S, Lin JC

Accomplishments and goals: Review of 2023 and preview of 2024 for the Journal of Vascular Surgery Cases, Innovations and Techniques.

Journal of vascular surgery cases and innovative techniques

Smeds MR, Mendes BC, O'Banion LA, Shalhub S

Surgical management of carotid stump syndrome.

Journal of vascular surgery cases and innovative techniques

Lucero L, Dhawan DS, O'Banion LA

Apples and oranges? A comparison of BEST-CLI to BASIL-2.

Journal of vascular surgery

Conte MS, O'Banion LA

Carotid Artery Operation Delay During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Results of a Multicenter International Study.

Annals of vascular surgery

Kabeil M, Wohlauer MV, D'Oria M, Khetarpaul V, Gillette R, Moore E, Colborn K, Cuff RF, O'Banion LA, Koleilat I, Aziz F, Mouawad NJ, Vascular Surgery COVID-19 Collaborative (VASCC)

Exploring the perception of venous disease within vascular surgery.

Journal of vascular surgery. Venous and lymphatic disorders

Kiguchi MM, Drudi LM, Jazaeri O, Smeds MR, Aulivola B, MacCallum K, Cutler B, D'Ambrosio N, O'Banion LA

Community Wide Feasibility of the Lower Extremity Amputation Protocol amongst Vascular Amputees.

Journal of vascular surgery

Matheny H, Woo K, Siada S, Qumsiyeh Y, Aparicio C, Borashan C, O'Banion LA

Type IV Hypersensitivity Reaction after Cyanoacrylate Venous Closure.

Annals of vascular surgery

O'Banion LAA, Shao MY, Ali A, Kochubey M, Yan Y, Fallentine J, Oh JH, Patel HR, Agrawal N, Carmona E, Hager ES, Kiguchi MM

Exploring the pros and cons of using artificial intelligence in manuscript preparation for scientific journals.

Journal of vascular surgery cases and innovative techniques

Smeds MR, Mendes B, O'Banion LA, Shalhub S

Symptomatic peripheral arterial disease: Aspirin simply is not enough.

Journal of vascular surgery. Venous and lymphatic disorders

Matheny H, O'Banion LA

A review of the current literature of ethnic, gender, and socioeconomic disparities in venous disease.

Journal of vascular surgery. Venous and lymphatic disorders

O'Banion LA, Ozsvath K, Cutler B, Kiguchi M

Lack of Patient Centered Evaluation of Outcomes in Intermittent Claudication Literature.

Journal of vascular surgery

O'Banion LA, Saadi S, Hasan B, Nayfeh T, Simons JP, Murad MH, Woo K

Outcomes of vascular trauma associated with an evolution in the use of endovascular management.

Journal of vascular surgery

Magee GA, Dubose JJ, Inaba K, Lucero L, Dirks RC, O'Banion LA

The Characteristics and Results of Endovascular Devices in Trauma (CREDiT) study: Multi-institutional results.


Anderson KM, Lucero L, Scheidt J, Lee CS, Ramos CR, O'Banion LA, Kundi R, Magee GA, Rajani R, Inaba K, Kauvar DS

Is perioperative COVID-19 really associated with worse surgical outcomes? A nationwide COVIDSurg propensity-matched analysis.

The journal of trauma and acute care surgery

Argandykov D, Dorken-Gallastegi A, El Moheb M, Gebran A, Proaño-Zamudio JA, Bokenkamp M, Renne AM, Nepogodiev D, Bhangu A, Kaafarani HMA, COVIDSurg Collaborative

Endovascular treatment of axillosubclavian arterial injuries is a safe alternative to open repair.

American journal of surgery

Siada SS, Dirks RC, Davis JW, O'Banion LA

Primary arterial closure after carotid endarterectomy is a safe and expeditious technique in appropriately selected patients.

American journal of surgery

Qumsiyeh Y, O'Banion LA, Dirks R, Ali A, Daneshvar M, Siada S

Webinars, podcasts, Tweetorials, oh my!

Journal of vascular surgery

Logan MS, O'Banion LA

Lower extremity amputation protocol: a pilot enhanced recovery pathway for vascular amputees.

Journal of vascular surgery cases and innovative techniques

O'Banion LA, Qumsiyeh Y, Matheny H, Siada SS, Yan Y, Hiramoto JS, Rome C, Dirks RC, Prentice A

Surgical management of a large mycotic aneurysm of the distal popliteal artery.

Journal of vascular surgery cases and innovative techniques

McCullough K, O'Banion LA, Siada S

Carotid endarterectomy is safe for octogenarians.

Journal of vascular surgery

Qumsiyeh Y, Siada S, Yan Y, Dirks R, Ali A, Daneshvar M, O'Banion LA

Thrombotic complications after radiofrequency and cyanoacrylate endovenous ablation: Outcomes of a multicenter real-world experience.

Journal of vascular surgery. Venous and lymphatic disorders

O'Banion LAA, Siada S, Cutler B, Kochubey M, Collins T, Ali A, Tenet M, Dirks R, Kiguchi MM

Society for Vascular Surgery appropriate use criteria for management of intermittent claudication.

Journal of vascular surgery

Woo K, Siracuse JJ, Klingbeil K, Kraiss LW, Osborne NH, Singh N, Tan TW, Arya S, Banerjee S, Bonaca MP, Brothers T, Conte MS, Dawson DL, Erben Y, Lerner BM, Lin JC, Mills JL, Mittleider D, Nair DG, O'Banion LA, Patterson RB, Scheidt MJ, Simons JP, Society for Vascular Surgery Appropriateness Committee

Risk factors for stroke in penetrating carotid trauma-An analysis from the PROOVIT Registry.

The journal of trauma and acute care surgery

O'Banion LA, Dirks RC, Siada SS, Dubose JJ, Inaba K, Byerly S, Rajani RR, Morrison JJ, Lucero L, Magee GA


Journal of vascular surgery

O'Banion LA, Magee GA

Response to: Beyond the Crossroads by DuBose et al.

Annals of surgery

Bowser KE, Shalhub S, Mouawad NJ, O'Banion LA, Escobar GA, Choong AM, Khan SZ, Ohman JW, Mills JL, Aziz F


Journal of vascular surgery. Venous and lymphatic disorders

O'Banion LA, Kiguchi MM

SARS-CoV-2 vaccination modelling for safe surgery to save lives: data from an international prospective cohort study.

The British journal of surgery

COVIDSurg Collaborative, GlobalSurg Collaborative

The need for perforator treatment after VenaSeal and ClosureFast endovenous saphenous vein closure in CEAP 6 patients.

Journal of vascular surgery. Venous and lymphatic disorders

Kiguchi MM, Reynolds KB, Cutler B, Tefera E, Kochubey M, Dirks R, Abramowitz SD, Woo EY, O'Banion LA

Contemporary outcomes of traumatic popliteal artery injury repair from the popliteal scoring assessment for vascular extremity injury in trauma study.

Journal of vascular surgery

O'Banion LA, Dirks R, Saldana-Ruiz N, Farooqui E, Yoon WJ, Pozolo C, Fox CJ, Crally A, Siada S, Nehler MR, Brooke BS, Beckstrom JL, Kiang S, Boggs HK, Chandra V, Ho VT, Zhou W, Lee A, Bowens N, Cho Y, Woo K, Ulloa J, Magee GA

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on wellness among vascular surgeons.

Seminars in vascular surgery

Drudi LM, Nishath T, Ma X, Mouawad NJ, O'Banion LA, Shalhub S

A review of acute limb ischemia in COVID-positive patients.

Seminars in vascular surgery

Ilonzo N, Judelson D, Al-Jundi W, Etkin Y, O'Banion LA, Rivera A, Tinelli G, Bellosta R, Vouyouka A

Thrombotic complications of superficial endovenous ablation: a contemporary review of thermal and non-thermal techniques.

The Journal of cardiovascular surgery

Kochubey MS, Siada SS, Tenet M, Kiguchi MM, Dirks RC, O'Banion LA

Endovascular versus open repair of isolated superficial femoral and popliteal artery injuries.

Journal of vascular surgery

Potter HA, Alfson DB, Rowe VL, Wadé NB, Weaver FA, Inaba K, O'Banion LA, Siracuse JJ, Magee GA

Popliteal scoring assessment for vascular extremity injuries in trauma study.

Journal of vascular surgery

O'Banion LA, Dirks R, Farooqui E, Saldana-Ruiz N, Yoon WJ, Pozolo C, Fox C, Crally A, Siada S, Nehler MR, Brooke BS, Beckstrom JL, Kiang S, Boggs HK, Chandra V, Ho VT, Zhou W, Lee A, Bowens N, Cho Y, Woo K, Ulloa J, Magee GA

A comparison of cyanoacrylate glue and radiofrequency ablation techniques in the treatment of superficial venous reflux in CEAP 6 patients.

Journal of vascular surgery. Venous and lymphatic disorders

O'Banion LA, Reynolds KB, Kochubey M, Cutler B, Tefera EA, Dirks R, Kiguchi MM

Global impact of the first coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic wave on vascular services.

The British journal of surgery

Vascular and Endovascular Research Network (VERN) COVER study collaborative*

Outcomes of major lower extremity amputations n dysvascular patients: Room for improvement.

American journal of surgery

O'Banion LA, Dirks R, Farooqui E, Kaups K, Qumsiyeh Y, Rome C, Davis J

Managing central venous access during a health care crisis.

Journal of vascular surgery

Chun TT, Judelson DR, Rigberg D, Lawrence PF, Cuff R, Shalhub S, Wohlauer M, Abularrage CJ, Anastasios P, Arya S, Aulivola B, Baldwin M, Baril D, Bechara CF, Beckerman WE, Behrendt CA, Benedetto F, Bennett LF, Charlton-Ouw KM, Chawla A, Chia MC, Cho S, Choong AMTL, Chou EL, Christiana A, Coscas R, De Caridi G, Ellozy S, Etkin Y, Faries P, Fung AT, Gonzalez A, Griffin CL, Guidry L, Gunawansa N, Gwertzman G, Han DK, Hicks CW, Hinojosa CA, Hsiang Y, Ilonzo N, Jayakumar L, Joh JH, Johnson AP, Kabbani LS, Keller MR, Khashram M, Koleilat I, Krueger B, Kumar A, Lee CJ, Lee A, Levy MM, Lewis CT, Lind B, Lopez-Pena G, Mohebali J, Molnar RG, Morrissey NJ, Motaganahalli RL, Mouawad NJ, Newton DH, Ng JJ, O'Banion LA, Phair J, Rancic Z, Rao A, Ray HM, Rivera AG, Rodriguez L, Sales CM, Salzman G, Sarfati M, Savlania A, Schanzer A, Sharafuddin MJ, Sheahan M, Siada S, Siracuse JJ, Smith BK, Smith M, Soh I, Sorber R, Sundaram V, Sundick S, Tomita TM, Trinidad B, Tsai S, Vouyouka AG, Westin GG, Williams MS, Wren SM, Yang JK, Yi J, Zhou W, Zia S, Woo K

Letter to the Editor: The Power of Social Media: A Call for Change in Professional Perspective

Journal of vascular surgery

Long KN, Vouyouka A, Makaroun M, O'Banion LA., et al.

Cryopreserved saphenous vein as a last-ditch conduit for limb salvage.

Journal of vascular surgery

O'Banion LA, Wu B, Eichler CM, Reilly LM, Conte MS, Hiramoto JS

Radiocephalic fistulas for hemodialysis: a comparison of techniques.

The American surgeon

O'Banion LA, Van Buren D, Davis JW

Limb salvage after complex repairs of extremity arterial injuries is independent of surgical specialty training.

The journal of trauma and acute care surgery

Shackford SR, Kahl JE, Calvo RY, Shackford MC, Danos LA, Davis JW, Vercruysse GA, Feliciano DV, Moore EE, Moore HB, Knudson MM, Howard BM, Sise MJ, Coimbra RS, Costantini TW, Brakenridge SC, Tominaga GT, Schaffer KB, Steele JT, Kennedy FR, Cogbill TH

Acute ethanol intoxication and the trauma patient: hemodynamic pitfalls.

World journal of surgery

Bilello J, McCray V, Davis J, Jackson L, Danos LA