Meier Lima Nobre de Queiroz, MD
Waterloo, IA
University of Northern Iowa
Medical School
University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine
Hobbies, facts and interests
My family is my biggest motivator, greatest treasure, and best reward at the end of a long shift. It includes my husband (Fellipe), 5-year-old son (Dani), and 1-year-old daughter (Ella). We LOVE new experiences and places, though find we’d rather do our own cooking (i.e., “Kitchen ChEMistry,” as it’s called in our house) than go out to eat. (488 unique recipes and counting!) To get around, Fellipe and I enjoy hopping on our Harleys and going wherever the road takes us.
Why Fresno?
Just as my choices in schooling and husband illustrate, I never settle for anything but the best. I’m THRILLED to be at this academic program where everyone is as excited to learn and better himself as I am, where we get to be on the cutting edge of what’s known in Emergency Medicine and have the opportunity to expand those borders for our own benefit, as well as the whole specialty’s. I’ve always had a passion for Global Health and am also excited to carry that work forward here with others who share my interest.