FRESNO – UCSF Fresno announced today the results of its nationwide search for medical school graduates who will conduct their residency training at the Fresno-based UC medical education program. For the first time in many years, UCSF Fresno’s search resulted in a 100 percent physician-match rate with 58 new medical residents selecting UCSF Fresno as a top choice for the 2006-07 academic year.

“These medical residents chose UCSF Fresno and that speaks to the outstanding quality of our program, faculty and staff,” said Joan Voris, MD, associate dean at UCSF Fresno. “The ‘match’ also is significant to the Valley because one-third of these physicians will remain in the area to care for community members.”

The 58 new medical residents, who are scheduled to arrive in June, come from as far away as Maryland and as nearby as Los Angeles. A number of international students are among the group as well. The majority will spend three to five years training at UCSF Fresno.

More than 2,500 medical students applied to UCSF Fresno this year. Over the past six months, UCSF Fresno interviewed 645 of the applicants to fill 58 positions.

Background: UCSF Fresno participates in the National Resident Matching Program. Established in 1952, the NRMP provides a national, computerized system for “matching” senior medical students with residency training positions across the country. As a national standard, when both the medical resident and the prospective program mutually agree on the selection, a “match” has occurred.