Marie Mihara


Mihara, MD

San Mateo, CA

University of Oklahoma

Medical School
University of Oklahoma COM

[email protected]

Why This Program
Many reasons! 

  1. Fresno was an excellent fit for both me and my partner, who will be training with the UCSF Fresno Emergency Medicine program.
  2. The opportunity to practice full-spectrum Family Medicine and to serve and learn from a diverse, underserved population.
  3. I grew up in the Bay and after 7 years out of state for school, I was itching to be back near the mountains. Now it takes exactly 2 hours, 3 minutes to get from my front door to Tunnel View in Yosemite!
  4. Farmers markets! Fresh strawberries! Tacos and horchata everywhere! No traffic!!!

Interests Within Family Medicine
Wilderness medicine, women’s health, health equity