Rempel, MD, MS
Fresno, CA
Stanford University
Medical School
University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
Hobbies, facts and interests
I love hiking, backpacking, bike touring, mountain biking, playing ultimate frisbee, cooking/eating good (mostly vegetarian) food, and making and enjoying art. Before medical school, I completed a Master’s in Earth Systems Science at Stanford to study environmental determinants of health, worked in illustration at RogueMark Studios, and became proficient at folding clothes while working at Patagonia. During medical school, I completed a year-long pathology externship with the University of Iowa Pathology Department, which allowed me to work on a forensic pathology project to examine how we document (or could be better at documenting) deaths that occur in the presence of law enforcement in Iowa (and the country, more broadly). During my M4 year, I created an illustrated video as part of a larger humanities project that I’m jokingly calling my *magnum opus* of medical school (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMgXUEoXiY0). The video complements a research project I completed to look at the ethics of self-care in medical education.
Why Fresno?
I grew up in Fresno and coming home for residency is such a gift. While rotating here as a visiting Sub-I during my fourth year of medical school, I was first blown away by the kindness and inclusiveness of the UCSF Fresno residents and staff and secondly by the volume and acuity of patients cared for at CRMC. I saw EM residents running the traumas coming in with calm and confidence and remember thinking wow, I want to be like them. I knew immediately that training at UCSF Fresno would prepare me well for any future path in Emergency Medicine. I am excited to learn from and care for patients in the Central Valley – a place of arid beauty, remarkable diversity, incredible produce, deep inequities, and easy access to some of the most amazing mountains in the world. I am excited to practice medicine joyfully, to be humbled by my patients, and to become a part of the UCSF Fresno family.