Mary Anne Tablizo, MD

Pediatrics - Fresno

Polysomnographically Defined Restless Sleep Disorder and Periodic Limb Movements during Sleep in Children Born Prematurely.

Children (Basel, Switzerland)

DelRosso LM, Artinian H, Mogavero MP, Bruni O, Witmans M, Tablizo MA, Sobremonte-King M, Ferri R

Sleep-Disordered Breathing and Associated Comorbidities among Preschool-Aged Children with Down Syndrome.

Children (Basel, Switzerland)

Kolstad TK, DelRosso LM, Tablizo MA, Witmans M, Cho Y, Sobremonte-King M

Melatonin Use in Pediatrics: A Clinical Review on Indications, Multisystem Effects, and Toxicity.

Children (Basel, Switzerland)

Shenoy P, Etcheverry A, Ia J, Witmans M, Tablizo MA

Pediatric Laryngeal Coccidioidomycosis: A Case Series in an Endemic Region.

The Pediatric infectious disease journal

Naeem F, McCarty J, Rowe MR, Davis AW, Tablizo MA, Hady KK, Vijayan V

Current Concepts in Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

Children (Basel, Switzerland)

Witmans M, Tablizo MA

The Association between Asthma and OSA in Children.

Children (Basel, Switzerland)

Garza N, Witmans M, Salud M, Lagera PGD, Co VA, Tablizo MA

Craniofacial Sleep Medicine: The Important Role of Dental Providers in Detecting and Treating Sleep Disordered Breathing in Children.

Children (Basel, Switzerland)

Heit T, Tablizo BJ, Salud M, Mo F, Kang M, Tablizo MA, Witmans M

Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Neonates.

Children (Basel, Switzerland)

Chandrasekar I, Tablizo MA, Witmans M, Cruz JM, Cummins M, Estrellado-Cruz W

Trends in Diagnosing Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Pediatrics.

Children (Basel, Switzerland)

Kang M, Mo F, Witmans M, Santiago V, Tablizo MA

You Cannot Hit Snooze on OSA: Sequelae of Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

Children (Basel, Switzerland)

Thomas S, Patel S, Gummalla P, Tablizo MA, Kier C

Neonatal Coccidioidomycosis: A Single-center Experience and Review of the Literature.

The Pediatric infectious disease journal

Vaughn J, Tablizo MA, Zayed Z, Hepple RR, McCarty JM, Naeem F

Treatment Considerations for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Pediatric Down Syndrome.

Children (Basel, Switzerland)

Gastelum E, Cummins M, Singh A, Montoya M, Urbano GL, Tablizo MA

The Link between Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Children (Basel, Switzerland)

Urbano GL, Tablizo BJ, Moufarrej Y, Tablizo MA, Chen ML, Witmans M

Coccidioidomycosis in infants: A retrospective case series.

Pediatric pulmonology

Lee JM, Graciano AL, Dabrowski L, Kuzmic B, Tablizo MA

Supine sleeping position does not cause clinical aspiration in neonates in hospital newborn nurseries.

Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine

Tablizo MA, Jacinto P, Parsley D, Chen ML, Ramanathan R, Keens TG

Diaphragm pacers as a treatment for congenital central hypoventilation syndrome.

Expert review of medical devices

Chen ML, Tablizo MA, Kun S, Keens TG

Disordered respiratory control in children with partial cerebellar resections.

Pediatric pulmonology

Chen ML, Witmans MB, Tablizo MA, Jubran RF, Turkel SB, Tavaré CJ, Keens TG