Fifteen faculty members from UCSF Fresno are among local physicians named in an article on “Fresno’s Best Doctors” in the October issue of Fresno Magazine.

The article is based on information from the company Best Doctors, Inc., an organization that compiles a national list of selected physicians and their specialty. Consumers must purchase a membership to access the company database, which is online at www.bestdoctors.com. According to the company, physicians do not pay a fee to be listed and the database is compiled using a peer-review system.

“Having so many of our faculty members recognized for professional excellence is an honor,” said Joan Voris, M.D., associate dean of UCSF Fresno. “It reinforces to the public what we’ve known all along.”

UCSF Fresno Medical Education Program plays a substantial role in providing health care services to San Joaquin Valley residents and training medical professionals in the region. UCSF Fresno has trained one-third of Valley physicians currently practicing in one of the seven specialties in which UCSF Fresno provides training. Since its inception nearly 30 years ago, UCSF Fresno has graduated approximately 60 physicians every year, totaling more than 2,000 to date. UCSF Fresno faculty and medical residents also care for the overwhelming majority of the area’s underserved populations. In addition, UCSF Fresno educates about 200 medical students each year.

For more information about UCSF Fresno, please call (559) 224-3235.