Try Breathing Through a Straw—Experience How Kids with Asthma Cope

On Tuesday, October 15 from 7pm to 8pm, the University of California, San Francisco, Fresno Medical Education Program (UCSF Fresno) continues its Family Health Today medical lecture series at the Fresno Borders in River Park. The third part of the four part series is titled Take a Deep Breath—Effective Asthma Care for Kids.

Participants of Tuesday night’s lecture will have the opportunity to meet UCSF Fresno’s first VMC Foundation Endowed Chair of Medicine, Michael W. Peterson, MD. Peterson recently joined the UCSF Fresno faculty from the University of Iowa. During his presentation, Peterson will demonstrate to the audience and to students from Sunnyside High School Doctor’s Academy, what it is like to be a kid with Asthma.

“The best way to describe what it’s like to have Asthma is to experience it firsthand,” said Michael W. Peterson, MD and VMC Foundation Endowed Chair of Medicine for UCSF Fresno. “Try breathing through a straw—that will give you a pretty good idea.”

Peterson will team with Asthma specialists from Children’s Hospital of Central California to provide the latest information and treatment methods for kids with Asthma. Admission, dessert and refreshments are complimentary.

UCSF Fresno’s Family Health Today medical lecture series at Borders in River Park, will conclude on Tuesday, October 22 with a presentation by Alex C. Sherriffs, MD, Associate Clinical Professor of Family and Community Medicine for UCSF Fresno titled My Memories? Alzheimer’s and Dementia—A Family’s Survival Kit.

For more information about UCSF Fresno’s Family Health Today medical lecture series, contact Cara Peracchi Douglas at 559.243.3606, or log on to