2023 UCSF Fresno Commencement Photo Contest Winner: Omar Mahmood, MD

UCSF Fresno will celebrate the approximately 100 residents and fellows completing their training with us during a commencement ceremony on June 15. We started a commencement program photo contest in 2020 to develop a keepsake program that uniquely reflects the graduates, their professional and personal experiences at UCSF Fresno, our campus community and the surrounding area. We sought photos from faculty, residents, fellows, medical students and staff. The winner of the 2023 UCSF Fresno Commencement Photo Contest is two-time winner Omar Mahmood, MD, chief resident in Internal Medicine. Dr. Mahmood took this year’s winning photo “Mist Trail” as well as the 2022 winning photo “Sunrise at Millerton.”

Dr. Mahmood grew up in Baghdad, Iraq, and completed medical school at Al-Mustansiriyah University College of Medicine before moving to the United States.

He is finishing residency training in Internal Medicine at UCSF Fresno and will start a Hematology-Oncology Fellowship at UCSF Fresno in July.

“This specialty is unique in its very fast-paced breakthrough scientific developments to help advance the care for those battling cancers and blood disease,” said Dr. Mahmood. “Training here at UCSF Fresno adds another noble cause of serving disadvantaged communities and bringing cancer care closer to home rather than traveling several hours to find the care they need.”

In his spare time, he and his wife enjoy spending time with friends or driving on road trips exploring all the beautiful outdoors that California has to offer.

Congratulations to Dr. Mahmood on his winning photo (for the second time) and his upcoming graduation.