Unmasking Valley Fever:
Catching the Soil-Borne Culprit Early
Join UCSF Fresno for a free informational session on Valley Fever, a fungal infection endemic to Central California. In collaboration with CDC’s Fingal Disease Awareness Week, this talk will cover real-live cases, diagnostic challenges, and best early detection and treatment practices.
Dates and Times:
Wednesday, September 18
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Online Only
Free Webinar
Guest Speaker
Geetha Sivasubramanian, MDm FIDSA
Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine,
UCSF Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases,
Program Director, Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program, UCSF Fresno
Dr. Geetha Sivasubramanian is a fellowship-trained infectious disease specialist with extensive experience in academia and clinical practice.
She has published numerous studies on infectious diseases and has received recognition for her excellence in teaching and research. Her research focuses on fungal infections, valley fever, and health disparities.
Target Audience
- Primary Care Providers
- Emergency and Urgent Care Health Professionals
- Allied Health Professionals
- Patients and General Public
Download the flyer for this event!
For more information, please email: [email protected] | or call: 559.499.6406