
Hall, MD

Brockport, NY

Rhode Island School of Design, University of New Mexico

Medical School
University of New Mexico

Hobbies, fun facts and interests
I traveled a lot growing up thanks to my anthropologist parents, and spent every summer in a 200 person town in Northern Alaska with the distinction of having the most remote post office in U.S. Prior to med school I obtained a BFA in Illustration and worked on research ranging from adolescent suicide prevention to culturing S. aureus bacteriophage from abscesses to evaluating preparedness of rim to rim hikers in the Grand Canyon. In typical EM fashion I am a (mediocre but eager) climber, and love backpacking and hiking with my husky Nuvi. I still doodle in sketch books, and shoot film photography.

Why Fresno?
I wanted a county program with underserved, sick patients; opportunities for public health interventions and related research in the ED; and to be able to easily escape to the mountains on my days off. On interview day Fresno just seemed to have that elusive best “fit” that everyone talks about trying to find in a program, and I’m super happy to have settled here!