Mostofi, MD
Glendale, CA
Medical School
University of Massachusetts
Hobbies, fun facts and interests
Fun fact about me: I was born in Iran and moved with my family to California at age 6 after my parents' names were drawn in the U.S. Green Card Lottery.
My hobbies include weightlifting, playing basketball, soccer, music production, video games, listening to hip hop and r&b, and playing board games.
Why Fresno?
During my interview day at UCSF Fresno, I felt like I instantly clicked with all of my interviewers. From residents to attendings, everyone was so approachable, warm, and easy to talk to. It was apparent to me that people were happy in their work environment and had a tightly-knit community that truly cared about each other. The people and culture of a residency program are incredibly important considerations to me, so I knew UCSF Fresno would be somewhere I could thrive and flourish.