UCSF Fresno Wilderness Medicine

UCSF Fresno Wilderness Medicine


The UCSF Fresno Department of Emergency Medicine has been advancing medical care in wilderness settings since 1977. That year saw the creation of the current National Park Service (NPS) Parkmedic Program. After establishing protocols and practices for care for use in the NPS at national and regional levels, the Wilderness Program continued to grow.

Landmarks for the program:

            1974: First class for 4-year Emergency Medicine Residency at UCSF Fresno

            1977: Parkmedic Program

            1981: First publication of wilderness medicine research from the program

            2005: UCSF Medical Student clerkship

            2008: Fellowship for Emergency Medicine BC/BE candidates

            2009: UCSF High Sierra Wilderness and Travel Medicine CME conference

            2010: WM Faculty joins Fresno County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue teams

            2015: Fellowship for Family Medicine BC/BE applicants

UCSF Fresno’s Wilderness Medicine legacy is to provide unparalleled experiential education, with a diverse, approachable faculty with national level leadership and expertise.