Intentional Recruitment Coalition

Mission Statement

The UCSF Fresno Intentional Recruitment Coalition (IRC) will establish representation from a multitude of cultural backgrounds with the mission to perpetually diversify the UCSF Fresno Department of Surgery and surgical training programs to reflect the underserved and underrepresented patient population that we care for and learn from on a daily basis in the Central Valley. Our ultimate goals are to integrate our physicians with the community, increase cultural awareness, improve medical education and improve the health of the community.

The IRC is comprised of several surgery faculty, other department faculty, community physicians, surgery residents, community leaders and Fresno State leadership.

In order to address all areas for recruitment the IRC is divided into four focused subcommittees:

  • Residency Recruitment Selection and Ranking
  • Pre-Med Surgical Internship (PSI)
  • Underrepresented in Medicine (UiM)
  • Health Disparity Research


  1. Increase matriculation and retention of underrepresented minority surgical residents and faculty.
  2. Provide opportunities for education and teaching with respect to the underserved population in the Central Valley.
  3. Provide ongoing didactic conferences dedicated to diversity training and cultural awareness.
  4. Improve and foster relationships between the UCSF Fresno Department of Surgery and its surgical training programs and the underserved community in Fresno.